Welcome to part 2 of "how big is your God?" and like I said, we will be examining the second part of our text to see how God operates to do above what we ask or think.
"Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" Ephesian 3;20
The scripture clearly states that He does this according to the power that worketh in us. Has it occured to you that there was no reference to physical or material possession or stuffs like that in this verse? Let me rephrase this verse to give you a better understanding of what i mean. Lets use the verb "provide". Now unto Him that is able to provide above what we ask or think, not according to the nature of business we do, the size of our account (or salary), caliber of persons we know or the nature/state of the economy. No! not according to any of these channels, but according to the power that worketh in us. This means that, knowing how to harness this power puts us in the driving seat because the power resides within and is independent of any of these external channels.
Hope you know it is God's orignal plan and design to have man dominate and rule over the earth? And to be able to carry out this responsibility, God endowed man with this power. However, when man fell from grace, he lost virtually all this power to the devil and since then, the natural man has been depending on physical/material things (i.e. external sources) in his attempt to carry out this responsibility. Time and space will fail me to expantiate on the consequencies of this but one of it is that man became limited in his ability- He more or less became a one dimensional being instead of a two (or three) dimensional being.
But thanks to God! With the victory of Jesus over satan, this power was reclaimed and is now made available to mankind albeit, to the believers in Christ. Now get me right, everybody whether a believer or a non-believer, has a measure of this power within being made in the image and likeness of God. But for the non-believers, this image and likeness has been battered and corrupted by the devil thus making the natural access to and release of this power difficult if not impossible. That is how far I can go on this for now.
Back to our text. To be able to access and unleash this power, you must develop the God Mind and be able to act like Him. Before we look at the dynamics of the God Mind, lets see what I mean by the God mind. Let me say that although I have known and even discuss this verse of scripture before, most of what I have put down and will yet put down were expounded unto me in the course of these posts (part 1 and part 2) . And many atimes to expound on such insights the Spirit of God brings to your remembrance segments of relevant materials or scriptures you have read to butress and drive home the message.
The God Mind is a state of mind or feeling that you are in charge of the situation- a feeling of dominion over circumstances. It is that inner assurance and confidence that you have the key(s) to that situation or problem. A mind that is never troubled, frightened, worried or anxious no matter the circumstance, challenge or situation confronting it-a never panic mind. The resultant effect of this is a MIND that is at PEACE-The Master Mind. This is the first thing you must get right before you can put this power to work. This is one of the signs of an answered prayers no wonder the scriptures, after admonishing us to be anxious about nothing but in all things we should thru prayers make our requests known to God, went ahead to say "and the peace of God that passess all understanding will keep your hearts and minds...." Jesus showed and demonstrated the master mind on several occassions while He walked the face of the earth.
For instance, when He came to the room where that damsel lay dead, He didn't panic but told the mourners to give way that she wasn't death but sleepeth. Wao!! When He got news that Lazarus was dead, He showed the same attitude. Mind you the "Jesus wept" we know in John 11:35 was an act of compassion and not perplexity or helplessness. In the midst of the storm while the disciples panicked the master was right in there sleeping becuase He knew He was always in charge and had the key.
Dipo puts it perfectly right when he wrote on power flow in his post, small money part 2, about Jesus feeding 5,000 that "The sitting down position also represents peace and calmness as oppose the usual rowdiness of the 5 thousand individuals. You need to generate power at the position of peace because inspiration occurs when you relax".
Praise God! the scripture says we have the mind of Christ but the truth is, we need to develop it to this level and achieving this, is no mean task.
The next step is to act like God. Learn to think, speak and act like God. And if I should borrow Adeolu's phrase, "be like God". Yes! be like Him and before you accuse me of speaking blasphemy see what Psalms 82:6 says, "I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most High". It is just natural that we be like our father. More of this in part (3) as we analyse the dynamics of the God mind.
I will sign off here to continue in part 3. Actually, I never knew that I would need a part 3 to conclude this write up, believe me. But I think I have written enough to provoke your thoughts and would delve into the dynamics of the God mind in my next post.
Luv U!
Hello, nice write up, read your profile and i love the bit about not being a motivational speaker!that sure got my attention,Thanks for visiting my site and your comments are truly inspirational!The God i serve is too BIG to comprehend his Bigness,He is bigger than the biggest!mightier than the mightiest!better than the best!He is Jehovah, The God that rules in the affairs of men and has always ruled in my affairs!Thanks for the exposition and reminder of how Big my God really is!
Nice to have you on my blog.
ReplyDeleteYea! motivation is of the mind (soul) while inspiration is of the heart (spirit).
A lot of guys today pride themselves as motivational speakers including preachers. Motivation more often than not are built on the philosophies of me and this has always been the case. We hear motivational speakers often quoting other speakers and rarely quoting scriptures. This explains why their audience only get excited and as soon as they leave the meeting, everything seems to fade away. They are motivated but not inspired. Inspiration is word based and it encompasses motivation.