success is not a gift but a reward; it responds not to wishes but to
hardwork and only those who pay the price win the prize
success is not a gift but a reward; it responds not to wishes but to
hardwork and only those who pay the price win the prize
Decision determines destiny but action actualizes it-Prince
A christian brother once shared his testimony with me on how he became a distributor to particular manufacturer. He has been nursing the desire for quite some time and decided he was going to do something about it even though he hadn't the capital then. He courageously walked into the company and met with the manager. He introduced himself and his business and wsa able to sell himself to the manager. After confirming, through a series of questions, that he was truly into such business and not a fraudster, the manager decided to give him a trial. Favour or miracle, Isn't it? Yes! but his purposeful action activated it. That was how the four lepers in 2 Kings 7:3-11 stumbled on thier miracle through courageous action.
That change you so much desire could be just an action away.
The responsibility to know what action to take is yours. May God open our eyes to see what actions to take so that while others lament thier lack of finance, we would use what we have to get what we need; while some are idle waiting for thier "golden" opportunity, will would attract and create opportunities for ourselves. Stop lamenting your disability or condition expecting the world to treat you specially. I have tried that and it didn't work (lol) and i know many others have too. The bitter truth is that we live in a very selfish and insensitive world that doesn't care a hoot about your plight. If it sees how to take from you to enrich itself, it would do just that. That was how it tried to deprive blind Bartimaeus of his miracle but the blind man wouldn't let that happen (Mark 10:46-52). Ordinarily, one would expect that they would take blind Bartimaeus by the hand and bring him to Jesus knowing fuly well that Jesus could restore his sight. If blind Bartimaeus had wasted his time pleading with those close by to take him to Jesus, may be he would have missed that opportunity. Rather he used what he had to get what he needed. You have to take your destiny into your hands and fight your way through to greatness. As one of my role models, Adeolu, would always say, "your background is not the reason why your back should be on the ground". So stop lamenting your background and give your life a change.
The Bible is full of men (and women) who rose above the limitations of thier background to make it in life. We know of Jephta, Esther. What about Jabez? I don't believe that Jabez only prayed and waited for an automatic change from God. We often hear of people who use the phrase, "waiting on the Lord" as a cloak for thier idleness and inactivity. Waiting on the Lord, represents what goes on between when a farmer sows his seeds and the time of harvest. He doesn't just sit back at home idly waiting for the harvest. No! He goes from time to time to check and tend his garden, check and control pest, weed and water it, and apply fertilizer until the time of harvest. So, it is never a time of idleness. More often than not, the answers to our prayers are wrapped up in our actions.
Dreams, ideas and vision remain what they are until they are given expression
Anticipate change, plan for it and work out your plan so that the forces of change doesn't take advantage of you or take you unaware -Prince
When they say that "change is the only constant in life", how do you understand it? There are forces of change that can create changes either way (i.e negative or positive) and those who don't plan ahead are left disadvantaged. Take it or leave it, there are certain "negative" changes some guys experience which are often the effect or aftermath of certain changes initiated by others. For instance, some individual may be downsized because the MD decides to effect certain changes that will enable his organisation face the challenges at hand. Or a guy may be forced out of business becuase of the ingenuity or creativity of his next door competitor.
Boy! it is time we told ourselves the truth of why we are where we are. It is not because we don't know or have enough. It is because we are not passionate about our goals enough. We don't seem to want it so badly as to get us statrted with what we already have or know.
you are where you are not becuase you don't have or know enough but becuase
you are not passionate about your goals (or dreams) enough as to get started where
you are and with what you already have or know
Thomas Edison didn't need to know everything about physics, electricityand electronics before he embarked on his project of inventing the electric bulb. Infact, I don't think he knew as much as our professors of physics and electronics know today.
Start making enquiries about that project now; place that call, draft that letter, make that visit or request concerning that desire no matter how stupid you may look or sound.
Somebody once said, "that nothing will ever be done or attempted if all possible obstacles are first understood and dealt with" There are certain details about that idea, dream or vision burning within you that you may never get to know until you get involved. Listen! there is always a starting point and he who gets started will never get stranded.
Whatever your goal in life is: whether to further your career or studies, to get married, to start that business. And if you are passionate about it then the time to start is now. And when you start working on it make sure to act in, what Wallace in "the science of getting rich" calls, "a certain way".
Food for thought:
Life is in phases and let him who fails to anticipate and work for his
desired changes know for sure that his life will certainly undrego changes but in a manner that may constitute a burden.