The above was a question David asked his elder brother Eliab in I Samuel 17: 29 And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause? (we can read the whole account in I Samuel 17). We all know the background of the story, but let me do a summary here. Jesse sent David, his youngest son, to go deliver some victuals to his elder sons who were at the battle field under the command of king Saul and to also see how they were faring in the battle. Coincidentally, David arrived there at a time when Goliath, the gaint from Philistine, was threatening and harrasing the armies of Isreal. Each time Goliath came forth bragging, the armies of Isreal including David's elder brothers would flee to take cover in caves. So when David arrived and was asking questions regarding the situation, his elder brother Eliab became very upset and angry at him. Probably, because he thought David had just come too see what was happening for fun so he could make a mockery of them when they get back home. The embarrassment was much and in anger he confronted the little David but David replied, "what have i done? Is there not a cause for my being here?'' (emphasis mine).
While meditating on this scripture in preparation for a youth meeting, my eyes were opened to the profound truth it carries. Take it or leave it, this is a question we all have to ask ourselves at certain points in our existence. The young David asked Eliab, "what have i done?" He was like, "have i broken any law by coming here? Is there not a cuase? In other words, He was simply saying, "I have not come here by accident, I have not come here for sight seeing neither have I come here to while away time or just to occupy sapce". "I am here with a purpose and for a purpose, I am here with a definite assignment to accomplish."
This is a question we all have to answer, if we must make impact in our generation. We must know the cause for which we are here, for such is the secret of a fulfiled life. Jesue told them in John 18:37 saying, "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world" . You must know the cause for which you are here (wherever you are atm), the cause for which you were born. Is there not a cause why you were born a Nigerian into that tribe and family? Is there not a cause why you are a youth at a time like this? Or you think they all happen by accident or just a coincidence.
Mordecai told Esther "who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" This was what saved Esther from abusing the privilege shown her by divinity by making her the queen ahead of other women.
When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable- Myles Munroe
and When mission is not defined, derailment is unavoidable
Some of us live our lives like a child sent on an erand and who on his way, came across other children playing and decided to join them forgetting he was on an assignment. David was sent on an erand by Jesse his father and he didn't lose sight of that fact. Knowing where you are going is one thing and getting there is quite another. You are a divine vision on a mission to accomplish a divine assignment. Your life is a vision from God for you were born again not of the will of man but of God. If you lose sight of this, then your Goliath-that challenge waiting for your manifestation- will remain a threat.
Show me a man who knows where he is going but never gets there and I will show you a man who lacks focus-a man given to much distractions.
When David's brother constituted himself a distraction to him, the Bible says, David turned from him (his brother) toward another. Many of us find to difficult to select our friends because we are yet to discover our life's assignment (purpose). When you discover your purpose and stay focused on it, it selects your friends for you. Your purpose selects your friends. Not every brother in the church passes for a friend and atimes not even your blood brothers too. I mean friend and not acquintance. Your purpose selects your friend. Why do you think Jesus at one time called Judas friend and at another time, looked at Peter and rebuked him saying, get thee behind me satan? The reason is that at those times, Judas was facilitating the fulfilment of Jesus' cause while Peter was constituting a distraction from it. May God give us wisdom!
I want to challenge you to ask yourself some serious questions and go on a soul searching mission. Is there not a cause? I ask you. Is there not a cause why u are still where you are in life? why you haven't been able to achieve your set goals or pass that professional exams? Why u didn't make that interview inspite of all the efforts? May be you haven't been able to pay the stipulated price. May be you haven't worked hard and smarter enough.
It is a world of cause and effect. There was a cause why the answer to Daniel's prayers was delayed for 21 days. When the tribe of Judah was by-passed and Benjamin selected to produce the first king of Isreal despite the ancient prophecy that the lawgiver shall not depart from Judah, there was a cuase. When God told Samuel that He had rejected Saul from being king and has taken the kingdom from him, there was a cause. When David's house was on fire with incest, murders and sever in-fightings, there was cause. For Daniel a demon withstood his answer, for the tribe of Judah, Judah thier progenator committed incest and handed over his staff of authority to a supposed prostitute (his daughter in-law), for Saul his rebellion and self will casued him the kingdom and for David, it was his adultery with Beersheba and subsequent murder of Uriah her husban that triggered off those events. It is a world of cause and effect.
Is there not a cause? I ask you. Have your life been revolving round in cylce with nothing to show for it? Have you done all you think is neccessary and yet your dreams seem elusive? Does it seem that whenever you are up for something good, say an interview, a contract, a date (or proposal) and all of a sudden after one nasty night mare (or dream) everything is gone with the wind? As old as you are, perhaps a unversity graduate, do you still see yourself in your primary school as a student though with the consciousness of your present status as a grown up? I don't want to sound superstitious but we have to face these facts.To the average american christian these things MAY sound superstitious but the truth is that most of us Nigerians (and some Africans alike) are first generation christians with some serious battles to do. The other day, I heard Pastor John Haggee say he is the tenth or eleventh generation Haggee and that the first Haggee who came to America was a missionary. So we can see the difference. While his ancestors were serving the true God MOST of ours were given to wizardry, witchcraft, idolatory, carnibalism etc. Take a study of nigerian christians whose ancestors sincerely and totally embraced christianity early in life esp. those sacrificially involved in the things of God and tithing and will notice what impact it has had on them. I was surprised to hear that Pastor Chris Oyahkhilome's father was among the founding fathers of Assemblies of God in Nigeria. His family i was told is collection of servants and men of God. No wonder the psalmist says, "I have never seen the rightoues forsaken, nor his seed beg bread.There may be exceptions to this first generation christian thing, but if any of the above scenerios describes your ordeal then there is certainly a cause.
Is there not a cuase? There is and you have to find out. Yes! find out! Job 8:8-9 tells us " For inquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of thier father: For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing..."
Ask yourself (and parents) questions and do some soul searching, take those issues to God in prayers and pay attention to your dreams. Whatever the cause the good news is that, for this cause was the Son of God manisfested that He might destroy the works of the devil.
Which ever way whether as per purpose or challenges, whenever a man answers this question, a new dawn opens unto him. For "wisdom is a function of questions, and intelligence of answer"-Adeolu Akinyemi
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