This post was actually provoked while meditating on my pastor's sunday message. He lamented, in the course of the message, that a lot of us have defined God and limited Him to the size of our monthly salary. As a result, we can't think, dream and plan beyond the boundaries of our salaries. As l lay on my bed meditating on this, the following scriptures and thoughts (which actually were not used by him)flooded my mind and i immediately reach out for my sermon note so i could elaborate on them and possibly share them with you.
The Bible says God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3: 20
This scripture is heavily loaded! I have often told people that when it comes to matters of universal significance or dimension, God can do without you or me if we are not willing to lend ourselves to Him although, He often employs several means to get us to bow to His will, remember the case of Jonah?
However, when it comes to matters that have to do with your life and destiny, He can do nothing without your corperation and agreement. In such matters about our lives, God is as big as far as our confessions and thoughts permit Him. Didn't He say in Isaiah, that He creates the fruits of the lips and in Proverbs that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he?
Note that He is ABLE to do but this doesn't automatically mean that He WILL do no matter what our confessions and thoughts might be. Your confessions b4 and after prayers and your imaginations (thought life) are no less important than you prayer life.
God is ABLE to do above what you ask or think BUT WILL only do as much or as little as you confess(ASK) or imagine(think). Please note the diference.
Ability will only translate into performance whenever there is a task to be done. And the level of ability demonstrated is directly proportional to the amount of task involved.
How big is you God to meet that need or solve that problem? A lot of people define and size God up and to them, He is only as big as thier monthly salary can go. If the cost of that project, implementating that idea or meeting that particular need exceeds thier salary then it is something that shouldn't be dared. They don't see God meeting thier needs through channels other than thier regular, usual means of income or salaries. So they confine their plans and imaginations within the boundaries of thier regular income thus limiting thier God. God surprised me last month and this one by doubling my monthly income, i mean times two (x2) and i am not talking of increase in my salary but an unsual channel of supply. This fact came to my mind as i lay meditating. Actually, one of my prayers that sunday after the message was that God should forgive me for limiting him.
Don't confine God to the limit of that doctor or medical test's report, He is ABLE to do beyond what the reports say but WILL only do as much as you permit Him to by your confessions and thoughts. We should ask and think BIG! I will leave you to focus and meditate on this.
Watch out for part II, as we examine the second part of our text which has to do with how to unleash the power (residing within you and me) by which God is able to do above what we ask or think.
See you then!
Like Ron kenoly sang...more than the eyes can see, more than the mind can perceive, that's how big...
ReplyDeleteI mistakenly clicked off your comment on the Maze of life, it would be an honour to have you re-state it. Many Thanks