Friday, 3 October 2008

All work and no rest, makes jack a weak boy

I know we are familiar with the popluar saying that "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy" but i have decided to rephrase it in view of what i am about to blog on. Read on 'cos you may find yourself in between the Of course! many of us are guilty albeit, ignorantly, of what i m about to say.

I thought that the almost a week long weekend, sallah and independence day holiday would afford me the opportunity to have some rest and do some of the things that i have left undone over the week but how wrong was I.

It was from one churh meeting after another- a vigil on friday 26th, a workers meeting on saturday 27th, a lenghty worship service on sunday 28th, a neighbourhood fellowship in the evening of the same day, an all night prayer meeting on tuesday preceeded by a fast, a fellowhip on wednesday evening and was immediately followed by a preaching engagement that same night that lasted until 1:00am. By the time I was done and resumed work on Thursday, i noticed a marked change in the sound of my voice with my internal system really agitated. I also noticed a marked increase in my apetite because i hardly had time to eat during most of this period. Of course! this is not the end of the story as the cycle continued after a day's respite on Thursday. Infact, i had to skip a particular meeting on saturday night, this was after the normal workers' meeting, so as to give myself some rest ahead of another hectic sunday. This has been the summary of my life but the intensity and degree with which they came up this holiday, almost got me off my feet.

Did I hear you say, "why are you complaining?" OMG! I am not but I just felt I should share this with you because I know there are those of us who are hyperactive in the kingdom without any time for rest thinking albeit, erroneously, that activity is spirituality. Well, this is a subjet for another blog. And there are those as well in the secular settings who work round the clock trying to make ends meet at the expense of thier health and family.

Jesus rested on several occasions and also encouraged His disciples on one occasion to come over and have some rest. If God Himself rested after His works, you better believe in rest. It takes a healthy body and sound mind to carry the spirit and demonstrate the power of God.
We cannot be wiser than the God who instituted a sabbath day rest. Nothing saps annointing like stress, and fatigue. They also kill initiative and make you misfire.

Rest has a way of enhancing effeciency and increasing productivity and FYI, rest does not imply idleness. No wonder some European countries go on compulsary summer holiday just to afford thier workers some time to rest and attend to other vital , but often negleted, areas of thier life.

I am not to tell you what time to rest but we all know our body system. The best time to rest is when you notice a drop in your performance level or you no longer have time enough to attend to those basic needs of your life such as personnal devotion, your family affairs. Even when you think u still have the stamina to carry on, u still need to pause and give urself some break so as to attend to other issues, no matter how minor they are, which may have suffered neglect.

Some of us try to cover up when we know something is wrong somewhere. On saturday, after our workers meeting that lasted from 4pm to about 8pm, sunday school teachers were asked to wait behind for review ahead of sunday. I didn't wait on this occasion because i had to go and have some rest. That saturday, i left house as early as about 6am for a prayer meeting that lasted until 12noon and by the time i got home, it was about 2pm. When I got home, I did some weeding around my compound until almost 4pm, after which i hurriedly took my bath so i could meet up with the workers meeting. I returned home from the workers meeting almost about 9pm and I was to be in church before 7am the following day being sunday. I am that type that normally spend time on my own usually during the wee hours of the night, preparing for the sunday school topic i am to teach that morning. The truth is that i wouldn't have fully delivered if i had attempted to teach because of fatigue, even my quite time that morning was not that rich.

"when your output exceeds your input, your upkeep becomes your down fall"-Unknown

When my assistant pastor met me in church on sunday morning and was like, "i didn't see you at the preview yesterday, i am not happy". I told him that yesterday was very hectic for me.
Mind you, i knew there were other teachers who could as well do the job that morning and who for some time now has not been teaching. Yours may not be in a religious setting as mine but the truth is that you should always have some time for yourself. It is between you, your God and your destiny.
Before you are, the work was and would remain after you.

What else can i say but that all work and no rest, makes Jack a weak boy!

Luv U!

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