I came across this stuff on our church's monthly newsletter, "wings of healing", and would like to share them below though, the choice of title is mine.
1) Faith starts where fear stops and fear starts where faith stops.
2) Faith and fear come alike, by hearing; one comes by the word of God, the other by the words of men.
3) Fact and truth resemble, but they are not the same. Indeed they are opposites; for one is the opinion of men, prone to change; the other is God's word, inerrant, infallible and unchanging.
4) Faith overrules fact and will always overrule it anytime, anyday, anywhere, anyway!
5) Neglect not the gift of thy DELETE BUTTON which the Holy Ghost has given thee, but use it freely to pull down strongholds and cast down imaginations.
6) The fear of failure is the father of failure and the worst failure is the failure to make attempts at success.
7) Finally brethren, whatsover thoughts are dirty, whatsoever imaginations are filthy, whatsoever feelings are nastly, whatsoever tempers are unholy, if there be any lust, if there be any anger, if there be any hatred, DELETE THESE THINGS.
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